SAC Leadership Meet #2
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Student Activities Committee (SAC) -Bangalore section held its annual leadership meeting online on April 21, 2023. The meeting was attended by leaders of IEEE SAC from Bangalore section. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the progress made in the previous year and to plan for the upcoming year. The IEEE SAC Bangalore section has made significant progress in 2022 in terms of increasing membership and providing opportunities for leadership development. The committee organized several virtual events and workshops for its members, such as webinars, panel discussions, and technical talks. These events provided an opportunity for the members to learn from experts in their respective fields and to network with other members. The event was opened by Dr. AlokNath De who gave a valuable insight on Building a brand for professional societies and managing their member experiences.

Further the event was carried by Dr. Navin Kumar with an inspiring experience of how IEEE shaped his life.

Dr. Parmeshachari B D Enlighted us with an informative and inspiring talk about how IEEE has impacted the Educational Institutes and it has given a deeper understanding of the role that IEEE plays in shaping the future of education. He mentioned in the talk, IEEE has a significant impact on educational institutes through its various programs and initiatives. The organization provides a platform for students, educators, and researchers to share their knowledge and collaborate on innovative ideas. Through its publications, conferences, and technical committees, IEEE encourages the exchange of ideas and the dissemination of knowledge in the field of electrical and electronics engineering. Furthermore, IEEE offers a wide range of educational resources for students and educators, including online courses, webinars, and certification programs. These resources help to bridge the gap between academia and industry by providing students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the workplace. The Continuation of IEEE education was explained by Raghavendra Prasad S G.

IEEE member Skanda.M. K with Subramanya Navada presented an amazing thought on the growth with IEEE and the way they want to grow with IEEE.

The IEEE SAC leadership meeting provided an opportunity for leaders from all over the Bangalore section to discuss the progress made in the previous year and to plan for the upcoming year. The committee made significant progress in 2022 in terms of increasing membership and providing opportunities for leadership development. The plans for 2023 focus on increasing membership, expanding the mentoring program, developing partnerships with industry leaders, and launching a sustainability initiative. The committee strives to remains committed to its mission of promoting leadership development.

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