Photo of the Month recognition
IEEE Bangalore Section actively seeks to recognize and celebrate unique and appealing photos that capture the spirit and essence of IEEE and the vibrancy of the section and its members brought out in events. These photos shall form a repository of sorts for stock photos for Bangalore section media communications. Two outstanding Photos from the pool, subject to the conditions mentioned below, shall be recognized by award of Gift Vouchers of INR 1000 each, intimated by email.
- Current IEEE Bangalore section members – inclusive of subsections, societies, and Student branches (Selection will be made void in case the photo is by a non-member)
- Student Branches are to submit at most two entries per month; submissions subsequent to the first two entries will not be considered in the case of SB.
Photo Details
- JPEG Images of good resolution within 5MB, with MetaData preserved, taken in 2023, within the said month.
- Entries are to mandatorily not support, endorse or promote any commercial enterprise in the photo.
- A description of the event, along with the date and event title and possibly a tagline, needs to be given.
- Entries should adhere to the theme or relate to it “Spirit or essence of IEEE, Volunteership, camaraderie, the OU, and or the objective or theme of the event.”
- Submissions should communicate a positive vibe and not be suggestive of defamatory or derogatory messages.
- Images of children below 16 years of age are not to be included, and if included, their faces must not be visible, and there needs to be an acknowledgment that they consented to their photo being taken.
Copyright & Ownership:
- Submitter is to acknowledge that the photo was created by him/her and that that the Copyrights of the Photo shall be ceded to IEEE Bangalore Section.
- Entries are not to infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, property/ contract rights, or any other intellectual property rights of any third person or entity or violate any person’s rights of privacy or publicity.
- Submitter to ensure that the people in the image had consented to their photo being taken. Selection
- Three IEEE Bangalore section members, along with Chair, shall be involved in the selection process.
- Their Decision is binding and shall reserve judgment rights to select two, one, or none of the images.
Photo of the Month recognition - January 2023
Many thanks to members who contributed 12 lovely photos for the month of January, and in particular, Congratulations to Prof Nagamani K, Prof RVCE, and Prof Thippur Srinivas, Prof IISc, on submitting photos that were adjudged as outstanding.