IEEE Bangalore Humanitarian Technology Conference (B-HTC) 2020 organized by IEEE Bangalore Section will be held at BLDEA’S V.P.Dr.P.G.Halakatti college of Engineering and Technology, Vijayapur , Karnataka, India during Oct 8-10, 2020. This is Bangalore Section’s new initiative to organize an International Conference on Humanitarian Technology and provide a platform to academician, researchers, NGO’s, Government authorities and policy makers to meet, discuss and propose technologies for sustainable development. The conference will feature plenary talks and invited papers by distinguished researchers and technologists as well as contributed papers from academics and professionals working with NGO’s, thinks tanks and government departments. In B-HTC 2020 technologists, researchers, philanthropists and NGO leaders across the globe discuss how technologies for sustainable developments can guide and lead towards a better tomorrow for people and planate.